theByte Launch

company news startup Sep 23, 2020

I couldn't be more excited to launch the brand new Training & Coaching platform "theByte". theByte is intended to extend my in-person training, workshops, and conference events into a SaaS offering. Combined with my passion for knowledge sharing, open source, and collaboration theByte enables everyone affordable access to Cloud Native Training & Coaching.

The goal of theByte is to ensure the same "touchpoints" as in-person events are delivered through theByte platform with weekly group calls, check-ins, and follow-ups. Additionally, we pack in our experience and background into the courses and coaching to ensure you receive real-world scenarios and lessons.

Tell me more about Training

As a Docker Captain and Traefik ambassador, this makes a perfect match to translate my training skills over a new medium that is both more accessible and allows us to scale during these challenging times.

I am very passionate about knowledge sharing, open source, and enabling others....

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