I couldn't be more excited to launch the brand new Training & Coaching platform "theByte". theByte is intended to extend my in-person training, workshops, and conference events into a SaaS offering. Combined with my passion for knowledge sharing, open source, and collaboration theByte enables everyone affordable access to Cloud Native Training & Coaching.
The goal of theByte is to ensure the same "touchpoints" as in-person events are delivered through theByte platform with weekly group calls, check-ins, and follow-ups. Additionally, we pack in our experience and background into the courses and coaching to ensure you receive real-world scenarios and lessons.
As a Docker Captain and Traefik ambassador, this makes a perfect match to translate my training skills over a new medium that is both more accessible and allows us to scale during these challenging times.
I am very passionate about knowledge sharing, open source, and enabling others. I've been delivering workshops and training to customers and conferences for years. Now, I am taking this experience and ensuring the same "touchpoints" are realized and encouraged using coaching, group calls, and slack channels to address questions and help with your scenarios outside the course.
theByte training will focus on Cloud Native Technologies, DevOps, and Developer tooling like Visual Studio Code. We don't plan to reinvent the wheel and cover topics such as Docker & Kubernetes as there are already great courses around both. What we plan to focus on is the technologies that complement Docker & Kubernetes such as GitHub, GitLab, Visual Studio Code, and Monitoring & Logging with Prometheus & Grafana.
Find out more about Training
theByte offers to coach to help you get started with technology, enable your project, and act as your technical sounding board through your project. Instead of hiring an engineer or an expensive consultant, we offer both group coaching calls where we cover topics about your project and Cloud Native to 1:1 calls where we can focus exactly on your architecture and business needs.
Just like in sports, our coaches are here to enable and guide you on your journey.
Find out more about Coaching
If you'd like to know more about coaching and training benefits feel free to reach out to learn more about our theByte platform and services.